Quitting Like a Boss: Mastering the Resignation Process

Published: December 11, 2023
Author: Ersin Karaca
Quitting Like a Boss: Mastering the Resignation Process

“Ersin, I just don’t feel like handing in my resignation.”

There’s a new job on the horizon, and resignation looms. I often hear such expressions.

Caution is, of course, essential. Because when quitting, things can change in an instant.

Everyone wishes for a boss who says: “Ms. Schmidt! I’m happy for you. I’d gladly support you. And if it doesn’t work out, feel free to come back to us, okay?”

Sadly, reality often paints a different picture.

Some managers feel blindsided. Some get angry. Some even become passively aggressive.

After all, as a manager, you’re being somewhat abandoned by your employee. And that doesn’t feel good.

But as a manager, you should be able to handle it.



Here are 3 points to consider when resigning

Resigning – as bitter as black coffee, yet just as invigorating for the future

When do I resign?

Don’t wait until the last day of your notice period. That only adds stress to the situation. Plus: You never know. You might fall ill, or something unexpected might happen. A good rule of thumb: resign 4 days before the deadline.

To whom do I resign?

Your resignation can be received by your supervisor, the management, or the HR department.

How do I resign?

  • In writing, with your signature
  • Sender: Your address
  • Addressee: Your employer
  • With a date
  • Subject: Termination of my employment

There are many templates for the content. Choose one. Ensure it starts with a clear declaration of termination (no beating around the bush), and remember to express gratitude for the collaboration. #BeKind

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4 Key Strategies for Successful Exit Interviews

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