We replace workplace by happy place

Yay! Good to have you here! We are Liene and Ersin, the founders of smartist.one, and we help people like you find THE job that makes them happy and satisfied. Likewise, we help companies to find and retain digital talent – after all, Happiness at Work is not a one-way street!

Our story

With our innovative candidate-centric recruiting experience, we fill exactly the gap that every company is feeling right now: It has never been more difficult to find digital talents.

5 Languages ​spoken
5 AI tools in use
5 Happy employees
0 Unfulfilled roles

Get to know our team

The face of Smartist.One. Competent, friendly, and ambitious. With her Friday jokes, she brings weekly joy to the world of recruiting.

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Ersin Karaca
CEO , Co-Founder

Always interested in new business and technology trends and open to discussion. Prefers phone calls over emails.

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Outdoor adventure enthusiast. Finds your dream job and keeps our clients on their toes for you. Always laughing.

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Either I’m enjoying a walk with my dog in the picturesque Swiss mountains, or I’m dedicating my time to recruiting top talent for you.

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I’m still thinking. Soon there will be a sentence about me that you will never forget 🙂

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Who we are

Who we are

We are the happiest people in the world ☺. Unfortunately, that wasn’t always the case. We both had well-paid jobs – but we weren’t happy. What we lacked: genuine and honest flexibility in our everyday lives and a leader who leads by example. The result: frequent job changes and even more frequent tears.

Why smartist.one?

Why smartist.one?

Job hunting has never been so easy. We share insights & secrets with you and give you instructions on how to actively shape your CV and application process yourself. This has already landed many smart people the right job without having sent out a single application. Sounds good?

We love recruiting ☺

We love recruiting ☺

You can take our word for it: we know the COMPLETE HR process chain. Over the past few years, we have recruited IT specialists for the most well-known German companies. Now we show talents how to get the job that makes them happy and employers how to find and – more importantly – keep talent.

Smartist.One was established!
Smartist.One was established!
December, 2019, Frankfurt am Main
While Covid was in full-swing we placed our 1st candidate.
While Covid was in full-swing we placed our 1st candidate.
April, 2020, Ludwigshafen
Liene finally gets a MacBook and a LinkedIn premium account.
Liene finally gets a MacBook and a LinkedIn premium account.
May, 2020, Apple Store in Frankfurt
Liene's 1st speaking event at a Business College.
Liene's 1st speaking event at a Business College.
November, 2020, online
Bye-bye Frankfurt and hello our new home in Münster (Hessen)
Bye-bye Frankfurt and hello our new home in Münster (Hessen)
September, 2021, Münster (Hessen)
Smartist is growing and Maija joins us.
Smartist is growing and Maija joins us.
July, 2022, Riga
Patricia joins Smartist.
Patricia joins Smartist.
April, 2023, Riga
Smartist gets a new website.
Smartist gets a new website.
January, 2024, world-wide
Marika joins Smartist.
Marika joins Smartist.
Mai, 2023, Riga
Sustainable lifestyle
Using less plastic
Reducing on consumerism

That’s why we donate 2 % of Smartist.One’ s profits to social institutions every year.

Want to join our team?

If you like what you see and want to be part of the team – get in touch with us


You want to smash your application?

Or are looking for a new job? Sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter and be the first to know about them.

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