Boost your LinkedIn profile: these tips will make your profile stand out!

Published: January 25, 2024
Author: Ersin Karaca
Boost your LinkedIn profile: these tips will make your profile stand out!

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for professional networking, job searching and career development. A well-optimized LinkedIn profile can open doors to new opportunities and significantly improve your career prospects. For job seekers today, it is very crucial to have a great personal brand that drives traffic to their profile and establishes them as an industry expert.

As a recruiter, I have seen countless times how a strong LinkedIn profile gave candidates the competitive edge. One example was a candidate in the IT sector. Not only was his profile fully completed, but it was also enriched with relevant keywords that matched the exact skills we were looking for in our job description. However, what really made him stand out was his feature section: he had included a portfolio of his projects and published articles on current IT-trends, which he had also commented on in a very humorous way. 

This not only demonstrated his expertise, but also his passion for his specialist area. This combination of professionalism, humor and personal commitment made him an ideal candidate for us. His profile not only caught our attention, but also enabled him to position himself as a leading expert in his field.

Exactly. This is how powerful a well-maintained LinkedIn profile can be. Your profile is not just about listing your experience and skills, but about telling a story that emphasizes your uniqueness and expertise! Don’t worry, it sounds more difficult than it is. The following  tips will help you succeed! Promise!

The LinkedIn feature section: Give them a glimpse of your uniqueness!

Then let’s dive straight into the world of LinkedIn! The feature section of your LinkedIn profile is the best way to attract people – it pulls attention and can be the deciding factor in whether someone ‘enters’ your world or moves on. Here you can present your best projects, successes or contributions that clearly distinguish you as an expert in your field.

What belongs in the feature area?

Show your personal highlights here. This can be a variety of content:

  • Have you recently written a professional article? Perfect, add it here!
  • Show your most successful projects and make people think: Hey, I want to work with him/her too!
  • Interviews, podcasts, or videos in which you have participated are priceless.
  • Particularly proud of an award? This is the best place for it.

Important: Always keep this section up to date!

Keep your feature section fresh and up-to-date – stuff you posted 10 years ago might not be as important today…. Also be selective about what you feature. It’s better to show a small amount of meaningful content than to overload the section with less relevant things.

And: Tell a story! Every feature should be part of your professional narrative. This way you create a common thread that shows your professional journey and development.

“About me” section: Make yourself visible!

Let´s head to one of the most exciting parts of your LinkedIn profile: the “About Me” section. This is the best opportunity to express your personality and passion for your work. But let´s be honest: most of the times you either see boring Wikipedia entries here or … nothing at all. (Ok, sometimes a famous quote or so…)

Imagine you were meeting someone for the first time – what would you say about yourself? You should also incorporate this very thought into your “About Me” section. Try to connect with other LinkedIn users, create interest and leave a lasting impression.

Here are a few tips for a good “about me” description:

  • Start with the why: Who are you and what makes you special? Why do you do what you do? What excites you about your job? These questions will help you tell a story that says more about you than just your job title.
  • Use keywords: Integrate keywords that are relevant to your industry, but make sure that the text remains natural and authentic. This makes sure you will be found in the search results, and it maintains a personal touch.
  • Show your uniqueness: What sets you apart from others in your field? Maybe it’s a special skill, an unusual combination of experiences or an innovative approach to problems? Or maybe you write high-fantasy novels after 5 pm? Don’t hide it – this could give you just the competitive edge!

Try to keep it short and sweet though and ideally include a call-to-action at the end to start a conversation!

Professional experience on LinkedIn: Your story, your success

The work experience section on LinkedIn is more than just a CV. Make sure to tell your personal story, show how you became the professional you are today. It’s not just about where you’ve worked, but what you’ve achieved in those roles and how you’ve grown.

Every career stage in your LinkedIn profile is an opportunity to show exactly that. Instead of just listing your position and the company, describe the challenges you have overcome, the projects you have led and the successes you have achieved. Remember that it’s not just about the tasks you’ve completed, but also about the results! (Gimme some numbers, yes!)

How to highlight your experience on LinkedIn

  • Focus on describing concrete results and successes. Have you contributed to company growth, optimized processes, or successfully led a team? This type of information makes your profile more trustworthy and shows that you don´t just talk but deliver.
  • Show how you have grown in each position. Perhaps you have learnt new skills, been responsible for larger projects or familiarized yourself with new subject areas?
  • Your professional experience should reflect your personal voice. Write the way you speak – it makes your profile more personal and appealing.

Show off your skills!

Now let’s talk about a part of your LinkedIn profile that is often underestimated: Your skills! You can enter up to 50 skills on LinkedIn and pin three of them so that they are visible first. Start with tools that you have mastered and finish up with skills that you have built up in your professional life. Ask your colleagues and your network to endorse you. The more people recommend you, the higher your profile will rank for this skill. Like search terms on Google! Recruiters use these skills to find candidates and it increases your discoverability on LinkedIn.

Your skills on LinkedIn are not just a list of competences, but a reflection of what you have achieved in your career and what you want to be known for. Choose skills that are relevant to your industry and that you really master. No fake-it till you make it 😀!

How to integrate degrees and certificates

Use these questions as a guide when adding certificates or degrees to your LinkedIn profile:

  • Why did you choose this degree program or certification?
  • What motivated you and what did you learn from it?
  • How has this training or further education helped you in your career?

And: Keep your education section up to date. Have you recently completed a course or acquired a new certification? Make sure to add it right away!

Your professional network speaks for you

The recommendations section on your LinkedIn profile is the best stage where former employers and colleagues can speak in your favor! It shows how others value your skills and contributions. This part of your profile can have a huge impact on how you are perceived by potential employers or business partners.

Authentic testimonials from your colleagues

Recommendations are personal testimonials that show how you work in practice and what influence you have on projects and teams. They give your profile a personal touch and increase your credibility.

Best practices for skills and recommendations

  • Focus on the skills that are most important for your current or desired position. Again, it’s about quality, not quantity.
  • Have the courage to ask colleagues, superiors, or business partners for a recommendation, especially after successfully completing a project. Most people are very happy to do this!
  • When asking for a recommendation, point out specific projects or skills that should be emphasized. It’s best to help them with three questions such as: “What did you particularly appreciate about working with me?”, “What top 3 results would you emphasize?”, “Why would you recommend someone to work with me?” etc….

Contact details and LinkedIn URL: Your digital fingerprint

The contact details and personal URL on your LinkedIn profile are often the first things someone sees when they visit your profile. They are like your digital fingerprint – unique! A well-chosen URL and clear contact details make it easier for others to find and connect with you.

Personalized LinkedIn URL: Short and concise

A personalized LinkedIn URL is not only more professional, but also easier to remember and share. Standard URLs are often long and contain a random string of characters that don’t look nice. A personalized URL, on the other hand, can reflect your name or professional identity.

➡️ To do this, go to your LinkedIn settings and then to “Edit contact information”. There you can personalize your LinkedIn URL. 

Your contact details should also be up-to-date! This includes a professional e-mail address, possibly a telephone number and links to other websites or portfolios.

By the way: You can integrate the shortened link much easier into your CV!

LinkedIn profile picture and header: More than just a placeholder picture

Your LinkedIn profile picture and header are like an eye-catcher. They are often the first thing visitors see. While the profile picture should always be professional but personal, the header offers the opportunity to display your slogan, website, or other milestones. For businesses, the header is also a great opportunity if you’re looking for great people! (See the header of our lovely Liene)

Professional LinkedIn cover banner featuring Liene Karaca, a Digital IT Recruiter, with a colorful montage of diverse, smiling professional headshots and a motivational slogan about building a fulfilling career, symbolizing expert job search guidance and network building on LinkedIn.
Example: Liene’s LinkedIn header

By the way, Liene gave a great masterclass on exactly this topic! In addition to the basics, it also includes tips on how to actively use Linkedin, how to network, as well as content strategy!

Click here for Liene’s masterclass full of recruiter wisdom:

Liene’s live lecture about LinkedIn profile development

Optimize your LinkedIn profile – what are you waiting for?

We hope that these tips give you the final motivation to boost your own LinkedIn profile.  The most important thing is to get rid of your own perfectionism! You don’t have to be a designer or be able to write incredibly good copy to have a better LinkedIn profile. Just be honest and genuine – keep it short and focus on the most important things. Do you have any questions on this topic? Please get in touch with us!

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